Recent Louisiana NASA EPSCoR Basic Research Awards (BRO) Awards
Project Title: Colloidal assembly: Understanding the electric field driven assembly of colloids and its applications
Abstract (PDF)
Institution: Louisiana State University
Sci-I: Bhuvnesh Bharti
Project Title: Development of Solid-State Electrolyte for Safe and Ultra-High Capacity Batteries for NASA’s Future Missions
Abstract (PDF)
Institution: University of Louisiana Lafayette
Sci-I: Ling Fei, Prev. Xia-Dong Zhou
Project Title: Satellite-Assisted Forecasting Environment for Improving Oyster Safety (SAFE Oyster)
Abstract (PDF)
Institution: Louisiana State University
Sci-I: Zhiqiang Deng
Project Title: Integrated Computational and Experimental Optimization of Materials and Methods for In-Space Manufacturing of Lightweight Metal Alloys (ISM-LMA)
Abstract (PDF)
Institution: University of Louisiana Lafayette
Sci-I: Jonathan Raush
Project Title: Understanding and Quantifying Carbon Export to Coastal Oceans through Deltaic Systems
Abstract (PDF)
Institution: Louisiana State University
Sci-I: George Xue